There are many ways you can help support the Raritan Food Pantry! We appreciate your support in all forms!
Thank you all so much for the generous donations during the holiday season!
The current list of most needed items are toiletry items (i.e. shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream), diapers (sizes 4-6), and cleaning products (i.e. dish soap, clorox wipes, laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels). Please bring your donation during our pantry hours listed below. You may also make a monetary donation designated for this collection in person or via our PayPal link with a note to indicate the funds are for this cause.
With the new bag rules going into effect, we are desperate for bags - reusable, plastic, paper, fabric, anything - as well as egg cartons (size dozen or half dozen).
Monetary Donations
Please consider a one time or recurring monetary donation!
RFP is dependent on donations to allow us to continue to serve our community. The pantry has been allotted some grant money that can be used for the purchase of food and the first year's rent, however the grant cannot be used toward our second year rent, utilities, or the purchase of non-food essentials (such as soap, shampoo, toilet paper, cleaning products, etc). We are completely dependent upon monetary donations for the pantry to be sustainable long term.
Your generous contributions in all forms are most appreciated!
Monetary Donation
You can set up a one time or recurring donation via PayPal.
Raritan Food Pantry is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We are grateful for any donation that will allow us to continue providing for our community. Funds received will be utilized to offset the cost of rent, utilities, supplemental fresh produce, meat, and more. Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
In Person
Tuesdays & Fridays:
6pm - 8pm
28 Thompson Street
Raritan, NJ 08869
To donate goods directly to the Raritan Food Pantry, please stop by during their open hours of Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6pm-8pm.
*Masks are required in our store. If you do not have a mask, one of our lead volunteers will be happy to accept your donation at the door. Thank you for your understanding!
Please do not leave donations at the door when the store is not opened. Items left unattended at the store will not be able to be accepted for distribution.
Make a Purchase
Donate needed items with a click of a button.
Connect to Raritan Food Pantry's Amazon Gift Registry with items needed on a regular basis. Just click the link above, and select from the products listed. When you check out, make sure to select the Raritan Food Pantry Gift Registry Address to ensure the items are delivered directly to us.